Sunday, December 21, 2008

Santa & Snow....

So Alex wasn't to thrilled with the snow but it didn't really help that he face planted it in the snow right off the bat. After that he really didn't want anything to do with the snow but we got a few cute pictures.
He just really wanted to be heldthe whole time everytime we tried to set him down he'd start to cry it was so cute. Mark tried to get him to do a snow angel but he wasn't to thrilled with that....imagine that =)

We also had our Branch Christmas party and Santa was there and so we got some pictures with him Alex didn't do to bad he was way to interested in the bag of goodies!!!

1 comment:

Gwen said...

Aren't Santa pictures the Best!!! Hey, thanks for the tips on photoshop and free downloads, or maybe I shouldn't be thanking're right - VERY addicting!!!
Have you guys gotten settled in to your new place? A few of us here are thinking about starting up a "sewing circle" (translation: an excuse to get together and hang out!). If we actually get around to it I will give you a call since you live so close now :)...we could use your expertise!!!!