Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Much need update....

Well it seems like this is the first chance that I've had to actually update the blog..Alex has been sick and teething and really doesn't like it when I get on the computer without him on my lap which makes it almost impossible to do anything. The other reason is that our internet sucks here terrible and I mean it has been so bad I cant open any pages. We are connected to the ISU internet so I think its really overloaded but there isn't much we can do about that. At least I can do a quick update tonight it seems to be working pretty good. These last couple of weeks we've had alot going on it seems like. My Cousin had her little girl this Wed. and so me, mom and Alex went down to see her. She is adorable and seems to be a really good baby so far. Alex on the other hand was not very happy all weekend but I guess I wouldn't be happy either if I had crap running down my throat and 4 teeth coming in. I have to put this cutest video of Alex we took a little bit ago he just started laughing so hard at nothing so of course Mark kept it going by make faces at him... it was really cute!!! Well I hope everybody has a great week.


Gwen said...

good to see an update! :) Hey, have you checked out the blog: ? It's the blog we are using for our sewing circle and the first activity is tomorrow. We're making super hero capes so I don't know if you're interested or not, but let me know and I can give you directions. Do you have my phone number? I don't have yours so e-mail me your # and I will get you the info. Hope you can come!!! There will be a TON of people there. It should be fun!

Valli said...

Cute video!

Deidra said...

Cute laughing video! I love when kids just crack up over the littlest things! Alex is getting so big, such a cutie!